Welcome to Thrive ‘25!
This is a 21-day program where we will emphasize the importance of NOURISHMENT, movement, and healthy habits.
Before we begin, we’re going to ask you to commit.
This program will not be easy.
This program will not be convenient.
This will require your attention, your focus, and your determination.
There is a yogic philosophy that says “stress is how we evolve.” We are designed to push past the discomfort.
You CAN do this, and if you do, we promise that 21 days from today, you will FEEL better, BE stronger, and your body will be thankful for the efforts you expended.
We are here to support and encourage you. If you have the motivation already, fantastic. If you don’t quite have it yet, COMMIT to the program. Do the work, even if you don’t feel like it. Once you begin to do the work, you’ll FEEL the change. Once you FEEL the change, your motivation to do the work will grow stronger. Lean into the discomfort and find the version of yourself 21 days from now that you desire.
Let’s get started!
For 21 days, we commit to the following EVERY DAY:
- NOURISHMENT: Eating clean, unprocessed, anti-inflammatory food
- PROTEIN: Meeting protein goals
- PRE/POST-WORKOUT: Getting proper pre- and post-workout fuel
- FIBER FIRST: Eating a minimum of 25g of fiber
- WATER GOALS: Drinking enough water
- SELF CARE: add on one or more per day
Aim to fuel appropriately (see guidelines below) from breakfast to dinner, and stop eating about 2 hours before bed.
- Daily cruciferous veggies (if you are on a low FODMAP diet, we can adjust)
- Unlimited FRESH veggies of all kinds and at every meal (raw or cooked, depending on what is best for your digestion)
- Meat, poultry, seafood (high-quality, grass-fed organic meats and wild-caught seafood)
- Fresh fruits (limit to 2 pieces per day)
- Nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados
- Top-shelf oils (EVOO, avocado oil, walnut oil, coconut oil)
- Quality matters. I recommend this amazing quarterly delivery service as their oils are delicious and they are committed to quality https://freshpressedoliveoil.com/home/
- Free-range, organic eggs
- High quality non-gluten grains (quinoa, rice, millet, sorghum, amaranth, etc.)
- Anything processed (ONE exception can be a high quality protein powder or protein drink for those that want to use that)
- Sugar
- Gluten
- Soy
- Dairy
- Corn
- Artificial sweeteners
- Alcohol
- Natural sweeteners – We eliminate these for the most part, but a date or a drop of maple syrup in extreme moderation is okay.
- Two small squares of HIGH QUALITY dark chocolate (80% cacao or higher) once or twice a week.
- If you choose to partake in an adult beverage, select one WITHOUT SUGAR (try and keep it to the weekends–preferred choices are clear, distilled liquors like gin, vodka, and tequila).
Adequate protein is especially important for women. Our hormonal fluctuations often put us in a catabolic state (where your body is “breaking down” tissue rather than building it up), so depending on our menstrual cycle and menopausal status, we may be more inclined to break down than to build muscle.
How Much Protein Do Active Women Need?
Broadly speaking, women should aim for 1.7 to 2.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, per day
- 1 pound = .454kg, so to figure your weight in lbs to kg, just multiply your weight by .454
Women in the menopause transition should target the higher end of that range, aiming for the lower end on easier days and the higher end on very heavy training days. Research also indicates that when undergoing a calorie deficit, higher levels of protein help you keep your lean mass and lose body fat.
Equally important as how much protein you eat is when you eat it. Your body responds best to an even protein distribution throughout the day.
Tips for meeting your protein needs
- Beef or pork provide about 30 grams per 4-ounce serving.
- One cup of 2 percent cottage cheese (either after the plan OR if you know that you tolerate dairy just fine) is about 30 grams.
- One 3.5-ounce can of tuna provides about 30 grams.
- Low-fat Greek yogurt contains about 20 grams per cup; adding nuts and seeds brings you to about 30 grams.
- Soy foods (either after this plan or if you know you are not sensitive to it) like tempeh, edamame, and seitan.
- Nuts and seeds (and nut and seed butters), beans, and legumes also provide protein. You can blend 3 to 4 ounces of tofu with nut butter, frozen cauliflower, and hemp and chia seeds to get a completely vegan 30-gram protein hit.
We’re going to explore WHEN we eat, WHAT we eat, and HOW it relates to our schedule, our rest, and our workouts. As I have learned more about nutrition, specifically as it relates to hormone regulation and women’s bodies, I have become confident that pre- and post-workout fuel MATTERS, and I recommend the following during this 21-day period.
Pre-Workout Fuel
During this Thrive ‘25 program, you are eating a balanced diet at all times, so you’re pretty ready to go whenever you want to head out for an easy walk or workout. When preparing for a harder, longer, or more intense bout of physical activity, however, you need to pre-fuel. Timing of nutrient consumption around exercise directly influences performance, recovery, fat oxidation, and energy expenditure. Evidence indicates that for women specifically, exercising in a FED state will result in a greater total daily energy expenditure and increased fat oxidation, potentially improving body composition.
- Strength workouts (like Strength or Barre classes) – 15g protein
- 2 hard boiled eggs
- 1 egg and ¼ cup almonds
- 1 cup of Edamame
- Cardiovascular workouts – 15g protein + 15-30g carbohydrates
- This combination of carbs and protein helps maintain blood sugar levels and stimulates the hypothalamus, signaling that nutrition is incoming, which can reduce the stress response associated with fasted training
- Ex: protein listed above plus half a sweet potato, an apple, or a banana
If your workout is going to exceed 90 min, a larger meal consisting of more protein and carbohydrate may be necessary.
A NOTE ABOUT EXERCISING IN A FASTED STATE: Plan your workouts around your ability to fuel. While I do not promote fasting and this is not a part of our Thrive ‘25 program, I know that some of our students incorporate fasting into their lives as a health strategy that works for them. IF YOU FAST, consider planning your workouts after you’ve been able to break your fast so your body has the nourishment it needs. Recent research shows that exercising in a fasted state can slightly increase fat burning in MEN, but for women fasted exercise over the longer term can cause dysfunction of the endocrine system, specifically sex hormones, and exercising in a fasted state can blunt fat oxidation (per Dr. Stacy Simms).
Women’s metabolism comes back down to baseline within 90 minutes after exercise. Ideally, aim to eat within 30-45 minutes after finishing your workout. If you delay calorie intake, you stay in a breakdown state. In short, your body won’t start repairing until you take in some food. Even if you eat enough throughout the rest of your day to meet what your body needs, not eating post-workout acts the same as not eating enough.
Pre-menopausal women: Aim for 20–30 grams of high-quality protein within 30 to 45 minutes after exercise, and regular doses of 30 to 40 grams of protein at each meal; 15 to 20 for snacks.
Peri- and postmenopausal women: Aim for 30-40 grams of high-quality protein within 30 to 45 minutes after exercise because as we age, our anabolic resistance increases. Get regular doses of 30 to 40 grams of protein at each meal and 15 to 20 at your snacks.
Focus on rapid consumption (within 30-40 minutes of finishing your workout) of AT LEAST 0.38g protein per kilogram of body weight in combination with carbohydrates. Try to get your protein from one of the HIGH-LEUCINE (essential amino acid) foods below:
- Egg
- Pumpkin seeds
- Beef
- Salmon
- Hemp seeds
- Lentils
- Navy beans
- Tuna
- Cottage cheese
- Peanuts
- Oats
- Pine nuts
- Spirulina
- Black beans
- Chickpeas
- Pork
- Sardines
- Turkey
- Brown Rice
- Cheese
Focus on a MINIMUM of 25g of fiber per day.
Fiber helps to regulate glucose levels, which in turn decreases inflammation and helps your metabolism work better. Eating your fiber FIRST, especially before a carbohydrate-heavy meal lowers blood sugar and inflammation, and helps curb cravings and weight gain.
- Slice up cucumber
- Eat steamed green beans
- Enjoy a handful of carrots or broccoli
- Much on 10 olives
Drink a MINIMUM of half your body weight in ounces of water per day.
Water keeps us hydrated and is essential for many bodily functions, including regulating our temperature, lubricating our joints, moving nutrients, and flushing out waste from our systems. EVERY CELL in your body needs water to function properly.
Move 30 minutes each day, no exceptions outside of illness recovery.
This daily movement promotes a healthy body, improves mood, helps you sleep better, reduces your risk of chronic disease, improves brain function, and can help manage stress and anxiety.
In a nutshell, if you’re not feeling your best, MOVING IS MEDICINE.
Come to class, go for a walk, take a bike ride, dance around your kitchen with your family; JUST GET MOVING. Use your planning document to schedule your workouts for the week each Sunday.
We encourage you to either create a digital document OR grab a notebook to journal in daily.
You can write for pages or just a couple of sentences. Try to note the following:
- How you FEEL (physically and mentally).
- What your ENERGY level is.
- What is working for you and what causes struggle.
- Your self-care add-on activity for the day.
- Something that you’re grateful for.
We would also LOVE to hear from you everyday in the Facebook group! Keep us posted on your progress and how you’re feeling. Each time you check in, you will be entered into a drawing (max 1 entry/day) for a special prize at the end of the challenge! CHECK IN HERE!
Each day, select one (or more!) of the following self-care activities. Note your choice in your journal and on the group FB page.
- Spend 20 minutes out in nature (bonus points if you GROUND by taking your shoes and socks off) WITHOUT sensory stimulation (podcast, music, etc.)
- Connect with someone outside of your everyday circle (make a phone call to a friend, meet up for a walk with a neighbor, send a meaningful letter to a relative, etc.)
- Sauna for 20 minutes (Thrivers can purchase a 10-pack of sauna sessions for just $75)
- Meditate for 10+ minutes (We will be posting some guided meditations in the FB group, or download a free meditation app)
- Breathwork for 5+ minutes (I highly recommend the iBreath app on your phone; we will also post some breathwork exercises on the FB page)
- Read for 20 minutes
- Do a social media fast (you can tell us on the FB page whenever you’re back, or you can text us to post for you)
- Perform a random act of kindness – we value the anonymity of this type of activity, but for the sake of Thrive ‘25, we would REALLY LOVE to hear about it inside our private FB group!
Set yourself up for success!
- Calculate your water goal (body weight lbs divided by 2 = minimum daily ounces)
- Calculate your body weight in KILOGRAMS (body weight in lbs x .454 = your weight in KG)
- Calculate your protein goal (body weight in KG x 1.7 and then again x 2.4 to determine your daily protein range)
- Calculate your post-workout protein goals (body weight in KG x .38 = your post-workout protein goal)
- Make your weekly menu: Follow ours or make your own.
- Shop: get the fuel you need into your house.
- Tackle your pantry: Eliminate the foods not included in the plan (or store out of sight where others in your home know where to access) so that you are surrounded with NOURISHING foods when making your choices.
- Tackle your fridge: Eliminate off-plan foods so that you won’t be tempted. We strongly encourage you to include your family in your changes so that the entire household benefits from all the delicious and nutritious foods you’ll be eating!
- Plan your pre-workout fuel.
- Plan your post-workout fuel.
- Plan your workouts for the week: add them to your calendar and make them non-negotiable.
- Get a water bottle: this is a quick and easy way to track your daily intake.
- Set up your journal: on paper or digital.
- Plan your self-care activities for the week: add them to your calendar and treat them like an appointment.
We’ll be posting every day in the Facebook group! Helpful info, recipes, challenges, and inspiration to keep you focused and motivated!
And we hope you’ll participate–post pictures and journal entries; gather inspiration and encouragement from your fellow Thrivers, and ASK QUESTIONS!
REMEMBER, you’ll be entered to win an amazing prize at the end of the challenge every time you check in (max 1 entry/day)!
We’re so glad you are joining us! GET READY TO THRIVE IN 2025!
Written by Christina Vance